
We welcome new members at the beginning of each term, especially tenors and basses.  

We are a friendly, non-auditioned choir and our current membership level is around 65.  Our numbers have grown significantly since Jamie Meaders took over as Music Director in 2018 - he is an inspirational conductor who supports and encourages us making each rehearsal fun and a great learning experience.

We rehearse in St John's church, Hurst Green from September to December and from January to May.  Rehearsals start at 8.00pm and end at 9.45pm.

We charge a subscription for each term which covers attending rehearsals, performing in the concert and hire of music.  Fees are reviewed at the start of the September term,  They are currently (2023/2024) £70 per term and £20 per term for students.

If you are interested in joining, please contact us via the contact form or email  It is possible to come along to a couple of rehearsals before you need to decide whether to commit.
Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Hurst Green Singers