Musical Director

Jamie Meaders


I sang my first solo in church at age 6 (What Child Is This?), and so began my life's ambition to be a musician. Along the way, so many gifted, committed teachers invested in me and inspired me with their knowledge and passion. In turn, I have had the delight of teaching undergraduate and graduate students in the US and now see them enjoying their own professional successes, whether on the stage or in the classroom.


Since moving to England, I am having so many new experiences--driving on the left side of the road, fish and chips, eating with a fork in my left hand, and learning new terminologies like crotchet and quaver! I am finding great delight in all that there is to discover in my beautiful new home county of Kent - of course, as an American, I am astounded that it is possible to live in a home that was built in the 15th century and to explore Pilgrims Way / The North Downs Way that leads to Canterbury Cathedral. It is such a gift to be able to walk through the beautiful countryside in the morning and be in London for a concert in the evening.


Professionally, there is no greater privilege or thrill for me than standing in front of a group of choral singers and bringing a score to life. I have been fortunate enough to experience that thrill in some of the world's most extraordinary venues, including Carnegie Hall, Disney Hall in Los Angeles, Lincoln Center, Canterbury Cathedral, and St. Peter's in Vienna. I have also experienced the rewards of long-standing relationships with volunteer church choirs and amateur choral societies who turned up for rehearsal week after week because of their enjoyment of singing, love of the repertoire, and desire to make beautiful music within the context of community. I am privileged to work with three outstanding communities of singers in rehearsal each week—the Hurst Green Singers in Oxted and two groups that I founded based in West Malling, Vox Populi and Vox Anima. And, I look forward to welcoming singers from all points of the globe to extraordinary collaborations in London.

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